Win prizes by finding creative ways to reduce cloud waste,cut carbon emissions and save money!

What is Cloud Waste?

Cloud waste is made up of all the cloud resources you are paying for, but which have no business value. For example, cloud resources you don’t need any more but you haven’t yet turned them off. Or resources you have configured at too high or too expensive a level for the performance you need. These resources are costing you money and burning energy but delivering zero value to your organization.

Industry research shows that cloud waste accounts for around 30% of all the money spent in cloud. This is not only a huge waste of money, but the energy burnt and CO2 emitted are damaging to the planet. Why spend money and use up the planet’s resources on something that is worthless to you?

Wnat more information about taking part in te Sustainable Cloud Hackathon? Register your interest here to receive the Challenge Brief with full information on how to take part.

Want to help us make the Sustainable Cloud Hackathon a success? Find out how you can support or sponsor the Sustainable Cloud Hackathon

For more inforation on the Sustainable Cloud Hackathon, register your interest here to receive the Hackathon Brief with full information on how to take part.

Want to help us make the Sustainable Cloud a reality? Find out how you can support or sponsor the Sustainable Cloud Hackathon

What is it?

An inspiring challenge to cloud engineering teams – win prizes by cutting your cloud waste and the carbon emissions it creates.  In the process, save money from your cloud budget that you can use to fund innovative new projects!

Who is it for?

Engineering and cross-functional teams that want to get more from cloud, protect the planet and stop wasting their limited budget on stuff that has no value.

Want more information?

Register your interest here to receive the Hackathon Brief OR to help us make the Sustainable Cloud Hackathon a success!